DR-WALTER is specialized in securing travel and stays abroad. For over 60 years we have been offering individual insurance concepts for short and long-term stays abroad. Whether for au-pairs, language students, emigrants or holidaymakers, whether for employees of international companies or aid organizations: DR-WALTER has developed a variety of insurance combinations to optimally cover every target group.
Depending on your destination and the purpose of your trip, our product overview offers you the right insurance. If you would like to pass on our insurance solutions, you are in good hands with our partner program.
Whether a short holiday, au pair stay or secondment, our insurances provide comprehensive cover for every travel situation. Get an overview of our insurance products and let us advise you without obligation.
You are an insurance broker and would like to easily expand your portfolio to include travel and international insurance? Our PARTNERNET offers you several possibilities for cooperation. We are flexible and happy to respond to your special wishes.